To upload random file from current working directory on Linux use a command similar to shown below, also do not forget to quote html as not doing so might cause bugs and this is just an example:

mkdir -p uploaded
FILE=$(find *.* -type f | shuf -n 1); curl -F 'key=<your api key>' -F "media=@$FILE" -F 'content="<p>some html here</p>"'; mv -v $FILE uploaded

You can copy files you want to upload to a temporary directory by using a command below as example and run above command from there:

for arg in {1..10}; do FILE="$(find -type f|shuf -n 1|cut -d\/ -f2-)"; cp -v --backup=numbered "$FILE" /path/to/tmp/dir/; done

Replace 1..10 with amount of how many random files you want to copy (1 to <total>, e.g. 1..100 to copy 100 files), delete any non-images from such folder and anything you don't want to upload before running commands above.

Reposted from juozaspo